Sunday, January 09, 2011

Don't look in that box of things I'm throwing out...

Al Di Meola - Five Albums on Shuffleplay
Various - Milano Jukebox 2010
Miles Davis Quintet - 1963-1968
The Moody Blues - This is the Moody Blues
King Crimson - Singles

A tough day today...

Much of it trying to collate all the reports coming in from Pam's friends re her current condition, which has gotten worse towards this weekend although was slightly better last night...

A visit this morning to my mum's to clear out my old bedroom in case pam comes up with one of her chums post the initial six week intensive treatment period...

At least seven old video recorders were chucked (none of them worked), along with a PC with a memory of around a quarter of a gig...

Once it's finished, the room should look habitable again...

I was helped in this task by sister Sheila, although she did insist on looking through all the stuff I'd designated as rubbish and took a good amount of it home, claiming it would "come in handy"...

She advised that she would not be letting me clear her house out or there'd be nothing left...

Called Pam from my mum's and found her speech still to be impeded - of course none of us is a doctor so we don't really know what's causing this, I am calling the Royal Free first thing tomorrow though with all the details...

Worrying times...

Back home and the snow remains...

Later, to Anne's mum's for the fortnightly family tea - tasty leg of lamb, cooked by Anne's mum's own fair hand, or cooker anyway...

Kitty was in good form - carrying out most of her pranks from her HQ under the table...

Home again and ended the day with tonight's episode of "Zen"...

Highlight of the Day : A clear out...

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