Maria Joao Pires - Le Voyage Magnifique
Glenn Gould - Bach Partitas
Weather Report - Forecast Tomorrow
Martha Argerich - Debut Recital
Buggles - Adventures in Modern Recording
Yes - Drama
Cheap Trick - The Very Best Of Cheap Trick
Sparks - When Do I Get to Sing "My Way"
David Bowie - Little Wonder
Genesis - A Trick of the Tail
Started the day at the computer creating a 30 minute film comprising over 180 stills, in a rostrum camera stylee...
This was followed by some tasty classical piano - Schubert's Impromptus from Pires and Bach's Partitas from Gould...
The laborius task of manually shredding confidential papers was accompanied by disc one of the Weather Report box set - 80 minutes and I wasn't finished...
Dishwashing was accompanied by Martha Argerich's recital of Chopin, Brahms and Prokofiev...
While the PC was taking almost six hours to format the film, I set off to the Hearts game with Anne, as brother-in-law Keith was attending a wedding...
Me, Anne, Anne's mum, other brother-in-law Bobby and niece Kitty were greeted by this wee cat on our way...
And I was joined by nephew Craig for the match...
It was Kitty's first game...
She was excited before we got to the stadium...
Excited as kick off approached...
Excited at half time...
..and excited at the end (despite Hearts having lost 2-0 to Motherwell)...
...and keen to show off her recently acquired tooth-gap and her brother's old Hearts top...
Home to find the film complete but another hour and a half to turn it into a CD to allow for viewing...
In the evening, "Merlin" wasn't the best episode ever but entertained nonetheless...
Between that and "Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow" I worked again on the backing tracks for the upcoming gig (November 3rd - almost a year to the day since my last gig)...
For the third album release in a row, I have been invited to play at Secret CD (thanks Mr Jim Igoe) and despite a wobble last night when I enjoyed playing a ten song set on solo acoustic, including four from "Splinterheart", I am sticking with the gameplan of 30 mins of "Splinterheart" stuff...
The set won't include any of the more, shall we say, esoteric items on the album (Black Earth, Apple pt 1, Optimist, Cage) (see player above to sample the new LP)...
However, I have reworked several of the songs, including shortening "The Killers at the Counter" and totally revamping (and shortening) "Krebs went to War", taking out all Craig Sutherland's sterling work (sorry Craig!!) on which the original track is based, to give it a more acoustic feel, and rearreanging both "Splinterheart" and "Here They come With the New Machines"...
In addition to this upcoming performance, I'm still working towards Internet gigs on "Second Life" with Pol Arida - he has a "virtual" club there (sounds a bit weird I know - but basically I go to his studio and play there and it's broadcast over the net - and people's "avatars" come to the club to "see" me)...
The dilemma of using backing tracks is that, while the true style and sound of the CD will hopefully get across, it may well end up looking like someone doing karaoke of songs no-one knows...
Hence the film production this morning...
To pep things up, as I'm pretty sure the Secret CD venue (The Voodoo Rooms) has a DVD player and screen in the room we will be using, I decided to attempt to show some visuals in the background...
As ever, on the now rare occasions when I'm going to be performing, I'm probably getting ahead of myself...
Highlight of the day : Film production...
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