Various – Rock & Pop Jukebox on Shuffleplay
Nothing much to report today, other than my ban from Tigerlily was temporarily lifted tonight as “The Man” entertained his underlings...
I could have taken a lift home from colleague Raymondo but foolishly decided to stay on...
Much Pink Champagne and Weissbier was consumed resulting in the inebriation of your correspondent...

I stotted out of the rubbish establishment at 10:15 after five hours of fun and made my way home, causing some consternation to the Executive Producer in that my journey took over an hour due to having to, or rather deciding to, walk to Haymarket and, there, having to wait an age on the relevant bus...
During this time my phone had run out of juice and I was out of contact...
The drunken idiot was soon snoring at Crispycat Towers with a beckoning hangover...
Highlight of the Day : Night out
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