Various - Compilations Jukebox
Rupert Holmes - Best of
King Crimson - Red
Creek - 2008
As Meg the Black cat's ex-Mum, Julia, is now based permanently in Dubai, tonight we were off round to Castle Brodski to leave Meg with Alan and Penny...
The reason? Anne and I are off on a jaunt to Germany tomorrow for a few days' holiday and for a Big Birthday Bash thrown by our friends (and parents of our Godson, Ansem)...
Jorg is 45 on Friday and Yvonne's 40th was in February this year...
Upon arrival at the castle, Meg immediately investigated every nook and cranny, even sticking her head up the chimney...
The adults enjoyed a coffee and a chat while Meg eventually made herself at home...
We listened to some Creek demos, to be worked up into an album this year some time, we hope, and Count Brodski also presented some tasty (and some not so tasty, step forward Mr Holmes) treats...
Around 10, we said goodbye to Meg, Alan and Penny and drove the five minute journey home...
I finished off the re-jigging of the Jukebox tracks between the machines before we watched the latest "Law & Order : Criminal Intent" ...
Took a while to get to sleep without the soothing presence at Crispycat Towers of Meg the Black Cat though...
Highlight of the Day : A visit to Brodski's
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