Just as I was preparing lunch I got a call from old chum and Creek cohort, Stuart Cobley, so I invited him round for lunch - and round for lunch he came...
He brought some excellent chocolates and we had a good chat re various new comedy shows on the box “My Name is Earl”, “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and “Hyperdrive” which starts tonight..
We also discussed his ongoing photography career (he’s so lucky as this is what he wants to do and, so far, he’s been able to do it), stories of the ankle break and we made a comparison of notes re the ability or otherwise for us to make any meaningful contact with co-Creekist, Count Alan Brodski of Brodie...
After Stuart headed back home, I spent some time researching blank CDs and ended up ordering 200 to cope with ongoing demand for “Deeperdown”, “Through the Day”, “Live at the Roxy”, “Sospiri” and “Calling Card 4”...
I ended up ordering from a company called Farfield due to their connection with ambient music and in particular, a guy called Matthew Florianz from whom I bought a few superb albums a couple of years ago...”Molenstraat”, “Open Stage 1-3” and “GrijsGebied” (as featured in today’s Picture of the Day)...
Whilst partaking in an interesting debate with a chap who mailed me regarding my anti religion post on Monday (see comments under that post), I was listening out for the delivery of the new digital camera but to no avail...
After dinner, our next door neighbour brought it to our door – turned out the delivery man arrived and I didn’t hear him. Quickly unpacked it, loaded up the batteries and started taking pictures immediately...

Then I loaded the software on the computer and started to muck around with the pics I’d taken. Created a couple of collages, posted a pic to the Pictures Blog (see Links) and created a Self Portrait for the Artworks Blog (see Links)...
Then in between looking for suitable accommodation for our upcoming trip to France in the Spring, I nipped downstairs to watch “Hyperdrive”...
Like “Life on Mars” the other night, it was ok but didn’t really live up to expectations - though it does feature The Actor Kevin Eildon as seen on Lee and Herring’s “This Morning With Richard Not Judy” a couple of years back...
I will be tuning in next week...
Without accommodational success, I went to bed at 12:15...
Highlight of the Day : A visit from Stuart Cobley
1 comment:
OK I admit your visit was better
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