It started badly when our guest cat, Pandy the Fluffy Cat, whilst jumping from the window ledge in our bedroom down onto the bed, managed to lascerate my forehead with her claws.
Scarred for life no doubt, blood everywhere etc etc...
This is the situation two days later...

Then to the infirmary, very kindly given a lift by sister-in-law Jane....
The plaster is removed. It’s now six and a half weeks since I broke my ankle in a foolish 5-a-sides tackle with Mr Jim Park.....
The break is still not healed and seems to be worse than first thought. I cannot put any weight on it and so am prescribed a “moon-boot” to wear...

I can walk even worse in this than in the stookie. I also have various exercise to do and must bathe my ankle in cold and hot water to try and reduce the swelling which is still severe even after over 40 days...
I am to return for further X-Rays in two weeks...
Upon returning home I update the dairy and review the links – I do this from time to time, having added new blogs I've found, and which I like, to my favourites. I then replace irregularly updated blogs with these new ones...
In the evening, I have ringed a programme on BBC4 about Mozart but fall asleep with my leg elevated (again to try and reduce the swelling) and so miss it completely...
After this nap (and much noisy snoring apparently - although Anne can provide no actual evidence of this), I am wide awake for new US import “My Name is Earl”. The first episode bodes well for the series...
Anne retires to bed but I stay up and end up watching “Jason X”, the ninth sequel to the original John Carpenter film “Halloween”, with Pandy the Slasher Cat....
This time the gratuitous killing spree takes place on board a space ship. The special effects are great and the film is very enjoyable...
After the film, I finally give in and go to bed at 1:30 – I am staying up late as I know how little sleep I will get due to the pain in the leg...
Highlight of the Day : My Name is Earl
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