Not a great day in any case - it would have been my dad's birthday but he died around two and half years ago and, on his second last birthday, four years ago, I had to take Crispy the Cat (aged 17.5) to the vet to be put down - I was a broken man that day...
Anyway, I was up at 5:30 after waking at 1, 2, 3 and 5...
Went downstairs and lay on the settee with a glass of fruit juice to try and settle matters but to no avail - so back to bed at 8 and stayed there until around 12 when I thought I was ok....
An hour later I was back in bed...
We were to visit John and Ali of Impossible Songs tonight at their new house down near Queensferry and, having not been out socially for almost two weeks, I was determined to go... So, I got up again around 4 pm and lay on the settee again, still not right...
Uplifted slightly by QoS gaining a draw in the league against Hamilton and by Hearts thrashing Dunfermline 4-1 away from home...
Finally ready to go just after 7 - deciding not to take up the offer of an overnighter - meaning Anne couldn't have a few drinks and, with the way i was feeling, I wouldn't be drinking either...
Despite all this, a great evening - Ali's an excellent cook and dinner was superb - although I wasn't eating with my usual fervour and zeal of course. Liquid intake for me for the evening comprised a glass of grapefruit juice and a glass of tapwater...
Before we knew it, it was 12:30am and we decided to head home as I was falling asleep - what a delightful guest I made tonight!!
Here's a picture of John and Ali's lovely cat, Syrus...

Highlight of the Day : Dinner at John and Ali's
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