Monday, June 13, 2005

Weird but not a molester...

A bit of a non-descript day today after the excitement of drunken-ness and Garden Centres at the weekend.

I added some, shall we say "not-great" vocals to the six songs I started recording last night and then, just for good measure, some organ…

The last of my Uriah Heep CDs, “High and Mighty” arrived today from Japan. It’s not their best album by a long chalk but there’s at least 30 minutes of decent stuff on there (if you like Uriah Heep that is), and some of the previously unreleased material is interesting (if you like Uriah Heep that is)…

Ah, a bit of excitement at last as Michael Jackson is cleared of all charges. I said all along he was innocent. However, I doubt if he’ll ever recover from the ordeal of the allegations and trial. One in the eye for the exceedingly smug Martin Bashir though, which has to be a good thing.

Congratulations Mr Jackson, you may be a weirdo but you’re not a child molester…which is good.

It is my sister Pam's birthday today - so happy birthday to Pam!!


Anonymous said...

No smoke without fire, that's what i say.

Anonymous said...

No show without punch.

Cloudland Blue Quartet said...

No conviction without adequate evidence...