Not content with the unrelenting thump thump thump of dance music all night, at 8 am, the lawyer who owns the house commences to play loud piano music which pervades our rooms from above...it’s the last straw.
During an open and interesting discussion, he insists he heard no music last night and that I am the first person ever to complain about noise from the club in the basement (perhaps all previous occupants of the flat have been deaf??)
We decide we will leave – it’s such a shame as it’s a great flat – but the bouncer had told me last night that the club is “only” open till 2am on a Sunday....there are "only" so may sleepless nights I can take – especially since I am supposed to be driving us around during the day...
So I take a reccy into the town looking for another flat while Anne repacks all our stuff. I come back with a few ideas and with some fresh bread rolls so we can at least enjoy breakfast in peace before leaving the flat...
Unbelievably, after we'd briefly discussed with him the possibility that we might leave, I just catch the owner by chance as he’s about to leave for the day on a hunt! He agrees to our leaving and expresses his disappointment that we won’t stay. I tell him that if he told us in the first place there was a noisy club in the basement, we’d never have taken the flat....
He returns 75% of our payment which we’d made in advance. I thought it might be harder, him being a lawyer and all...
After checking out a few places to no avail, we head to the Tourist Information where a very nice lady makes a couple of calls and secures a flat for us up in the town – it has free parking (we’d had to pay the lawyer to use his space) and breakfast is included – and it’s slightly less for the remaining three nights than we got back from the lawyer.
By midday we are in the new flat, unpacked and ready to resume our holiday. The flat has a great living room, a large double bedroom, a kitchen and a shower room – it suits us fine, though no view of the river – but it’s also very quiet!!!
We head back to the river on foot and along to a bike hire place we’d seen the day before but it’s shut on a Sunday so, instead, we catch the bus up to the Castle which overlooks the town and, for the second day running, we lunch in a Castle overlooking a town and the river – it’s not lunch so much as Kaffee und Kuchen though, as I have warm Apple Strudel with Cream and Ice Cream while Anne has a large slice of Apple Cake with Cream – we are both treating our bodies as temples of course....
With this in mind, we walk slowly back down to the town rather than taking the bus back. Once again, it is very, very hot – not a cloud in the sky and around 35 degrees. After a quick stop back at the flat, we walk over the river to Kues in search of an internet cafĂ© – I have to conclude two deals on e-bay and I want to check for any respose from Tiscali – not surprisingly there is none....
Over the last three days, there’s been a Medieval Festival taking place on the banks of the river so we go along to that and enjoy the strange music and the weirdos dressed in armour and various types of medieval garb...
After a Cherry Beer for me, a White Wine for Anne and sharing a medieval flat-bread with cheese and onion (a small pizza I suppose) we head for the Viking Boat which takes people up and down a stretch of the river for free, as long as you’ve paid to enter the festival that is.
We are in the queue when the boat arrives – but the “sailors” proceed to dismantle the sail – it turns out that that was the last voyage – disappointing since it’s only around 4:40 and we’d been told it would sail till six...
On the way back to the flat, Anne buys a new ring from a silver-smith's shop which seems to be her own front garden. We enjoy some wine at the flat as we watch the end of the Japan v Greece game (1-0 to Japan) then I fall asleep having been awake since the previous morning at Hahn Airport...
A couple of hours later Anne wakes me and we go for dinner to the restaurant next door to our flat, which is owned and run by the same family from whom we are renting.
The food is excellent, Anne settles for Pork Medallions in a cream sauce baked with a cheese and pepper top and I have a vegetable pfane – a kind of risotto dish served up in a small cooking pan – we share the Dauphinoise potatoes. Delicious.
After the meal we take a walk back down to the river – it’s still amazingly warm at 10 at night. On the way back we come across a winery where we can sit outside in the courtyard enjoying our drinks as the sun goes down. It’s too hot for wine though so we choose Apple Juice but will return for some wine. The man who serves us is the owner of the winery....seems he does everything...
Back at the flat and again we catch the last ten minutes of a Confederations Cup game, as Mexico surprisingly defeat Brazil 1-0.
I fall asleep as soon as I hit the sack, happy to be in a quiet room at last...
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