Sunday, February 16, 2025

Calculation errors can be costly but can lead to good listening outcomes...

Today's listening was sourced from these...

Here's what happened...

Up at 6 and, once again the reinstall of iTunes was done - now to see if it worked...

The face of a man facing defeat...

I was now using Windows Media Player...

And then, to work on Kiffie's thing, creating a further six tracks...

And so, by 8am, a new EP was on the horizon...

As almost ever, swift work...

I had been toying with the idea of moving stuff around in the back room and, with Anne off to watch Hearts lose 3-1 to Rangers (queens having gone down at home 3-0 to league leaders Arbroath yesterday), I se to about working on this...

...accompanied by some nice music...

I may have too many classical CDs...

The move was underway....

I may have too many jazz CDs...


...accompanied by more good stuff...

After moving 100 boxes of CDs onto the new set up, I suddenly realised a rather large error...

Moving all your classical & jazz CDs around, only to find you made a huge miscalculation and everything has to go back to how it was...

...can still result in some rewarding listening for 2.5 hours...

On Anne's returnsome "Departure" - which today we binged to the end - and some "Unforgotten"...

And a Chinese takeaway  - Szechuan Special...

This evening, I uninstalled iTUnes for the last time and installed Apple Music and Apple Devices...

At least I have my library back - all at the correct dates right back to September 2013...

And all my playlists are intact...

I discovered by chance (during the hours and hours of solution searching on the net) that, if I downloaded the "VLC" App to my phone, I can drag and drop folders of music to said phone via Apple Devices...

Just as well as, as mentioned above, you cannot rip CDs with Apple Music.  And you can't add music to your phone with Apple Music....

You have to use "Apple Devices" to link your  phone but I cannot for the life of me get any tracks to go from Apple Music to my phone so I went ahead and downloaded said VLC App to my Phone...

And so, I'll be using that to listen on my phone going forward... 

All a huge pain and the end of my being able to copy and paste the daily playlists for my blog and indeed tracklists etc for my podcasts - plus I found I can't drag the podcast playlist into Audacity to create aid podcasts (hence a week behind now with those not that many listen)...

So all a complete and total re-learning scenario for me and you know how I hate learning about anything...

Anne, however, was relaxed..

I loaded a few "LPS of the Day into the phone and did some listening in the living room...

The shout went up "are you awake??"


Tasty items played tonight...

...before hitting the sack at the end of yet another very frustrating day...

Highlight of the Day : VLC can play music on my phone...

Today's New Music:-

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