Monday, February 24, 2025

A day of 105s...

Today's listening was sourced from these...

...and here's what happened...

Up just after 5...

...and to the machines...

...for work, including the ongoing ensuring that all CD-Rs are on the hard drives...



Still a long way to go, despite finishing off the classical titles...


Then, out, Anne looking for an apron for an upcoming day of pottery stuff with Jane...

Secured, along with new plates, at Ikea, where coffee and cake were also enjoyed...

Popped by mum's house just to make sure all was ok...

It was - apart from it nor being sold yet...

Home for lunch - new plates...


This is my hand...

Some of my followers on the Blue Sky take some guiding...

The ripping continued - it includes discs such as these - plastic sleeve, no cover...

Have been swithering for a t least a couple of weeks about buying a new CD player, with headphone output and volume controls...


Today I reaffirmed that my ultimate music listening is via my AKG 702s plugged directly into my Marantz CD-4 - but also that the Sony CD Walkman D-EJ011, gifted to my by Dr Prog, should be my go to walking around the house solution, CD-wise... 

...and so the notion of shelling out £105 for something I really don't need was firmed up...

Tasty pasta based tea tonight...

Coincidentally, 105 on "University Challenge"...

And, today, we watched the last 4 of the 6 episodes of "Zero Day"...

Very good indeed...

Highlight of the Day : Deciding not to spend £105 on another CD player I don't really need...

Today's New Music:-

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