Saturday, February 22, 2025

Back with the band and winning away...

Today's listening was sourced from these...

...and here's what happened...

Up at the usual time - if 6 can be said to be usual...

Updating this...

More getting to grips with Apple Music...

Such a pain...

At 9:30 over to Paul's then out to Roslin for today's session - 13 songs from the Dockers sets which required the most work to sort for Bandcamp plus the ten 1979/80 originals...

Having now gotten used to the "improved with much editing etc" versions on Bandcamp, today was kind of disappointing, although probably no worse than usual...

The good work we did on the ten old songs in January, over our first two rehearsals of the year, has faded, the guys mostly struggling to recall how they'd been played...

I know they spend a lot less time listening to the recordings than I do but, on quite a few, it seemed no-one had bothered to listen to "Twentyfive Fortyfive" too much, if at all...



Home around 3 or so...

Middle of the weekend...

Some rugby watched...

In Motrose, a very rare away win for Queens took place - 3-0 no less, alothough two of the goals were penalties but I'll take that...

Also, Hibs beat Celtic. then. St Mirren beat Rangers (at Ibrox)...

What a good day for Scottish Football...

Rangers described as "wretched" o the BBC - but they remain 17 points clear of the third placed team in the league...

So, you know, one man's wretched would probably be fine and dandy for 10 of the league's teams...

More frustration from Apple Music and, especially, Apple Devices which just either doesn't recognise my phone or crashes...

On telly, "Astrid" and two "Rizzoli and Isles" entertained...

End of the day spent in what is now a right laborious palaver of compiling this week's podcast, to be recorded on Monday...

Lights out at midnight...

Highlight of the Day : A very rare away win for Queens...

Today's New Music:-

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