Saturday, February 15, 2025

A new collaboration, with an Apple disaster in the background and tasty fish...

Today's listening was sourced from these...

Here's what happened...

Another day wasted by Apple Inc...

Breakfast was nice though...

It was almost midday by the time the reinstall started around 24 hours earlier was ready...

I had done a small input and checked that the movement of songs had returned - it had..

When I first opened up the "new" system, it worked...

Then, all of a sudden, it was no longer working...

And so, after using it quite happily since September 2013, I'm thinking I'm probably going to have to dump iTunes and install Apple Music instead - a system which dos not allow me to transfer anything to my phone without other software and which cannot let me rip CDs...

And a steep learning curve lies ahead...

On the "own" music front, a message from Kiffie, with whom Ed Spark has collaborated in the past - he'd like me to do a remix of a track called "United"...

Of course I advised I was up for it and to send me the stems...

This evening, a quite beautiful dish from Anne - salmon in a cream and thyme sauce with potatoes and asparagus...


One last try tonight re iTunes...

But also now filling up "Windows Media Player" with music... a stand by...

Also today, I think we binged something to the end and we've recently watched "Father Brown", "Death in Paradise" etc etc...

All the nonsense with iTunes has done  my head in...

But, by 8pm this evening, I had finished an 11 minute remix of Kiffie's 5 minute piece and I was liking what I'd done... 

Highlight of the Day : Working on despite everything...

Today's New Music:-

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