Various – From Disco to Zumba
Santana – Santana III
Various – Last 11 Months on Shuffleplay
Rather stupidly, up at 6:38, despite not having retired last night until almost 2am...
However, I took the opportunity to start work on what might be the next CBQ album, spending a good three and a half hours working on rhythm tracks...
Of course, I have no songs – apart form the track “Vendome” which I worked on in November...
Having bored my pants off with this, we breakfasted around 10...
Then, while Anne worked in the garden, I returned to the PC for more torturous work which may well come to nothing...
Also tried playing my guitar and singing some songs - but only succeeded in reminding myself how crap I am at both...
At 1:30, it was round to Jane and Bobby’s to deliver Easter eggs from Non-Believers to already chocolated-out children...
Shy Kitty...

...entertained her old uncle by trying to get him to see if he could remember how to use a skipping rope (he couldn’t) and by bouncing around on the trampoline, while Ollie...

...did his best to function as normal despite having broken his finger on his birthday during a two and a half hour kids versus dads football match (only later was it discovered a fracture had taken place - and that one of his chums had also broken a thumb!)...
Ollie’s league tables brought back memories of "Shoot" and "Scorcher & Score" magazines from the late 60’s/early 70’s...

Onwards and upwards and we drove through the town over the Braid Hills (not stopping for pics, sadly) and out to Loanhead for a visit to my mum and sister Pam...
Sister Sheila was also in attendance and took the opportunity to take some years off by donning Pam’s wig...

A good time was had by all – although Anne was a little bored when the Reillys started reminiscing about living in Paisley and Clarkston (of which I remember nothing, having moved away at the age of six months)...
Pam needs to put her feet up to aid circulation – she was interested to know what the bottoms of her feet looked like – so I obliged...

Apologies for that...
Back home and chums Lynn and Ross visited – Ross had brought his very long ladder round so he could take a look at what was our neighbour’s blocked down pipe...

..which is now not quite so blocked but probably still requires a professional to take a look...
Santana was enjoyed by Meg the Black cat...

...while we chatted about Anne and Lynn’s upcoming joint birthday trip to an exotic Greek island – both Ross and your correspondent will be staying in sunny Scotchland...
With the visitors departed, a Chinese was ordered and delivered and the first in the new series of “Doctor Who” was mightily enjoyed – possibly the best series opener I’ve seen methinks...
“Law & Order UK” was also viewed via Tivo – also good...
Another enjoyable Sunday...
Highlight of the Day : Dr Who...
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