Cloudland Blue Quartet – Aftersilence : Retrospective 1996-2011
Glen Hansard/Marketa Iglova – Once OST
The Hollies - Tell It To My Face EP
Alice Cooper – Singles
Chicago – Chicago Transport Authority
Wishbone Ash – Number the Brave
Lone Star – Firing on all Six
Happy Apple – Part of the Solution Problem
The Script - The Script
The end of another month...

Up at 6:30 and working on the instrumental half of the proposed CBQ 1996-2011 compilation...
There are twenty two songs on disc one and, after some judicious editing, there are thirty instrumental pieces on disc two – fifty two tracks in all and I am working towards a release on my 52nd birthday in May, in which month also falls the fifteenth anniversary of the first CBQ recording...
Mid disc compile/sort, I drove Anne to an appointment before returning to the Towers to finalise the disc...
The diggers are getting closer...

Then back to take Anne into town and on to The Saturday Place, where I left the Cloudland Blue Mobile before heading to the music library...

 meet up with an injured-through-having-taken-a-tumble-from-his-bike-yesterday-and-very-much-feeling-sorry-for-himself Dr Prog...

Post choosing some Coltrane, a box of hippy dippy goodies from 1965-1973 and the “Once” soundtrack album awaited from Amazon, we retired to the Dutch Café for some sustenance and a blether – including the debate as to whether we ought to head to London again in July for this year’s High Voltage festival...
Then, we walked on to meet up with the Exec Producer at the Richmond Café for coffee...

...cake, more chat and a look at Anne’s new tasty jewellery...

New shoes were purchased en route for home – at which point I discovered I’ve been wearing my insoles for my late last year diagnosed flat feet in the opposite from the correct shoes all this time – no wonder I was finding it so hard to feel the benefit....
The afternoon sun was enjoyed...

...your correspondent taking the opportunity to sing and play along to a few of the songs on the new compilation...
I also fired up the “big” camera and took a few close up pics of stuff in the back room...

The evening comprised the second episode of the new “Dr Who“ series – very good indeed...
Some reading of reviews on the internet...
Celebrating a last gasp win for Queens in Kirkcaldy...
Ordering pizzas, picking them up, finding mine was somewhat lacking in the ordered ingredients department and very kindly being provided with a second, more accurately compiled disc of goodness which was duly scoffed to the sounds of recently downloaded old LPs...
Listening continued with, at last, the Happy Apple disc recently arrived from the USA – equally as tasty as the (2nd) pizza...
Sister Pam will visit tomorrow and stay over – accordingly, bedstuff was sourced from the attic...

New CD Cover initialisation and “Match of the Day” rounded off a fairly busy Saturday...
Highlight of the Day : Out with the Progmeister and the Exec Producer...
"From pure sensation to the intuition of beauty, from pleasure and pain to love and the mystical ecstasy and death — all the things that are fundamental, all the things that, to the human spirit, are most profoundly significant, can only be experienced, not expressed. The rest is always and everywhere silence. After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. When the inexpressible had to be expressed, Shakespeare laid down his pen and called for music. And if the music should also fail? Well, there was always silence to fall back on. For always, always and everywhere, the rest is silence."
Aldous Huxley "The Rest is Silence" from "Music at Night", 1931
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