Various - Last 11 Months on Shuffleplay
An early evening stroll along to a certain purveyor of music to meet up with the Exec Producer...

Oh dear...
Another five CDs entered the rapidly expanding collection - three featuring Mr John Coltrane along with remasters of the first two Electric Light Orchestra albums...
Back out into the cool sunshine...

...and over the Waverley Bridge...

...for drinks at the Doric...

...before walking up to the Royal Mile to meet with chums Debbie and Sid for a night out at Monteiths...

Very tasty indeed - your correspondent savoured two firsts as he approached 52 years on the planet - oysters and hare...
A caramelised banana concotion rounded off the culinary delights - while two bottles of eminently quaffable red wine were enjoyed by the revellers...

Post a long leisurely dinner, it was out into the April evening for a brisk walk down to Princes Street and a swift bus home... find yet another CD awaiting - a back catalogue gem from Happy Apple...
Home so late though (and, it must be said, slightly the worse for wear) that there was no time to savour any of the new purchases, although your loveable, fat, balding, CD obsessed fool did fall asleep on the sofa whilst reading about the ins and outs of Roy Wood and Jeff Lynne's orchestral based concoction...
Highlight of the day : Top notch nosh...
2 wonderful albums Mr CBQ! Both so different, but both with the razor sharp touch of Mr Lynne! I was actually listening to the last 2 Move albums last night, and it's odd to think they were doing Move for part of a day, then changing hats and recording the first ELO stuff. 10538 was always intended to end up of Message From The Country but Wood bought a Cello....and the rest they say....
Hi Ryan
I love the Move and I love ELO and Wizzard singles - and Wizzard's albums - only recently (last few years) delved into ELO LPs...
I actually had these two already as they are contained in their entirety on an early 90's EMI comp called "First Light" (I think) no, sorry, "Early ELO"...
Think I like the 2nd better than the first despite Roy Wood's presence (I rate him more highly than Jeff)...
Some good ELO insights here -
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