Tangerine Dream - The Independent Years
Charles Mingus - Changes Two
Keith Jarrett - El Juicio
Stravinsky - Symphonies
Iona Marshall/HMS Ginafore - 10x10:07 EP
Iona Marshall - 9 Tunes from Durleyworld
Iona Marshall - IM Pulse
Iona Marshall - Ghur
Nice morning, nice day...

A different walk - down to Stockbridge...

This for chum Moira - she wants to see the Gormley statues, of which this is one...

Of course a trawl through the charity shops ensued and a Stravinsky disc was duly acquired for a mere £2...

Elsewhere, listening wise, the 10 CD Tangerine Dram set drew to a close and was replaced with some excellent tuneful jazz from Mr Minguis followed by Keith Jarrett...
I had forgotten that listening to some Jarrett recordings is like hearing the results of a jabbering monkey let loose at the piano - why oh why wasn't his mouth taped up while these recordings were being made?
A nice evening too...

And, around 8, it was off out to Secret CDs...

...mainly to see my birthday buddy Iona Marshall (like me and Norman Lamont, her birthday is the 4th of May)...
Unlike this photo, she did not disappoint...

Beautiful, artistic music - I loved her use of loops on her voice and guitar - and a crafty move not to introduce this "trick" until halfway through the set...
Of course, I bought her 10" EP (with CD-R for people with no turntable) on which, sadly, only two tracks are by Iona - the other side features some fairly out of tune signing by someone called HMS Ginafore...
Back out in to the night in St Andrew Square...

..and, once home, I dug out the other three IM albums I have and gave them a spin...
Highlight of the day : Iona Marshall's live set...
Thanx for the Iron Man photo.
I WILL see them soon.
I love blogposts like this where you get to spend the day with someone as they go walkabout, taking snaps hither and thither.
Hi Moira - knew you would like that pic - taken from a bridge in Stock, erm, Bridge...
Cheers Mr Sid - always have my camera with me and, if I have time on my hands, will endeavour to illustrate the days as best I can...
Maybe today I can document a walk to a record shop elsewhere in the city...
Listening to Keith Jarrett moaning and groaning used to drive me *up the wall*, and was so off-putting it curtailed the extent to which I bought and listened to his music.
Then a couple of years ago I saw his trio live in London and after that, all such concerns just faded away, almost literally as if by magic. Since that time I have massively increased my Jarrett collection, and barely notice the extraneous noise.
So - if you have never seen him live, and ever get the chance to, take it!
Cheers Paul
At present I have
Life Between the Exit Signs
Somewhere Before
The Mourning of a Star
El Juicio
Somewhere Before – Atlantic 1968-75
The Impulse years 1974/75
Always Let Me Go - Live in Tokyo
Koln Concert
..by Jarrett - need to give Live in Tokyo another listen perhaps..
I do like Jarret, hence the reasonable number of discs - I also love Glenn Gould, another inadvertant "vocaliser"...
Jabbering monkeys, you've got to love 'em...
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