David Reilly - New Compilation
John Grant - Queen of Denmark
The Czars - Music from the film "I'd Rather be...Gone"
The Czars - Before...But Longer
The Czars - The Beautiful People Vs The Ugly People
The Czars - Goodbye
The Czars - Sorry I Made You Cry
Ginastera - Complete String Quartets
Another lovely, sunny day...
Visited FOPP again at lunchtime but, today, on an errand to secure another Yes box-set and post off to a blog-reading chum without such a nearby emporium of goodies...
In the evening I wandered around town, killing time until meeting fellow Creek music-maestro Stuart Cobley...
In Blackwell's Books I found a CD of Mr Ginastera's complete string quartets...
Met with Stu around seven and we went to The Elephant House, complete with its annoying crowing that J K Rowling supposedly wrote part of her dreadful Harry Potter pish there...
An americano and an iced coffee each later, we popped round into Victoria Street to the Liquid Rooms for tonight's gig by John Grant...
We were surprised to find the venue seated but, despite our coffee related belated entry, we managed to find two places...
Support act Sea of Bees was a girl who sang, with studied naivety, in a squeaky, baby voice - like Joanna Newsome - very annoying and, frankly, dreadful...
Mr Grant took to the stage accompanied by "Chris" who, like Mr G, also played keyboards - the duo swopping around between the three keyboard set ups during the evening...
Almost the entire "Queen of Denmark" album was played during a brilliant performance, which also included a couple of tracks from The Czars' back catalogue...
Between song banter was excellent and humerous, in direct contrast with the music, which was almost entirely downbeat (in fact beatless) - much to my liking...
The seated audience remained silent during each song but a few morons at the back, standing in front of the bar, could be heard chatting (maybe people can only shut up and listen at a gig if they're sitting down?) and there was of course the constant to-ing and fro-ing to bar and bog - thankfully kept to between song interludes...
Here's a taster of the gig from Youtube...
Post an enjoyable evening, we returned to Stu's car where we made the sign of rock...
...before I was whisked back to Crispycat Towers...
A good evening...
Highlight of the day : John Grant in concert...