Thursday, October 21, 2010

All around the world...

Cloudland Blue Quartet – Splinterheart Live Set
Edward Spark & CBQ - Krebs Went to War (Remix)
Creek - 2010

A couple of significant happenings today...

Firstly, this is the boiler which, off and on, has been annoying me immensely for the last three or four years...

What a delight to see it ripped out, dismantled and lying in our neighbours’ garden...

I am (hopefully reliably) informed by the plumber/gas fitter carrying out the job, that I will not hear the new boiler as it is a “silent” type...

Secondly, wee Meg the Black Cat had a strange turn tonight just before I was leaving for Lasswade for the internet gig...

She seemed to keel over slowly and then be unable to move for a couple of minutes...

She was ok again by the time I, reluctantly, left...

I am (again hopefully reliably) informed during a chance meeting with a veterinary pathologist, that this may have been a “vascular episode” i.e. a small stroke...

Apparently though, this can be quite common in older cats and, as long as it doesn’t happen again within the next month or so, there is nothing for us to be too worried about...

Of course Meg is on her own a few days a week, for up to eight or nine hours, so we have no idea if this was a one off...

And so to the gig itself...

My second Life avatar has been souped up into goth style slim young chap with a tiny beard...

...even less like I’ve ever looked in my life – the version from last week bore at least a slight resemblance to how I looked in my late teens...

A successful debut by CBQ Coba (as I am known in the virtual world) followed an excellent opening set from Pol Arida...

The “bar” we played was packed with people’s avatars – one I noticed was dressed in full medieval knight’s armour and carried a huge broadsword...

Never had an audient like that in a “real" gig...

In addition, there was a good turn out to the audio-only internet link for listeners not registered on Second Life...

It was blast...

After the performance I received a text relating the reaction of my six year old niece, Kitty...

That made the night for me...

Back home to big cuddles for Meg the Black Cat, “Question Time” and “This Week” plus the finished Edward Spark version of "Krebs Went to War" and confirmation of a Creek session to take place at Crispycat this Sunday...


Lights out...

Highlight of the Day : Playing live to the world wide web...


Sour Grapes said...

well done on the gig Mr CBQ!

impossible songs said...

No experience of this at all. Can you link to the SL gig and replay it or is it gone?

Cloudland Blue Quartet said...

Cheers Ryan - I hope you managed to link in and got to hear a rousing rendition of "Black Earth" complete with a triumphant shout of "Australian Guitars!!"...

John, not sure if anything can be replayed - but I know one of my Creek buddies recorded the stream and I'll have a CD in a couple of days...

You might try Pol for details of what can and can't be done (I'll pm you his address)...

It was certainly an interesting experience which I hope to repeat in the near future...

Sour Grapes said...

Hi David, no i had technical issues here which gave me the preverbial. If you could pass on the details of someone who may have recorded i would love to hear it

Cloudland Blue Quartet said...

I'll get e recording to you as soon as I get one!
