Various - Top 200 Artists
James Last - 80 Not Out
James Last - Plays Abba
Abba - Gold
Various - Top 30 Artists
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Splinterheart
Another month gone...

Up early and launched the new album into the world...
Available only by mail order via Crispycat...
Possible new project arose though it will probably never be undertaken...
Out to Stockbridge to pick up a large bouquet of flowers for my mum's 80th birthday today - and on to Loanhead to meet up with said mum and sister Pam for a day out of celebration...
After a coffee and a blether and a look at all her cards... was off in her car to North Berwick - with Pam driving and mum in the back - role reversal from the seventies...
After a journey, which mum spent opining that we must have gone the wrong way as she didn't recognise anything and then finally capitulating that we had actually gotten to North Berwick, we found a parking place at the far end of the beach and walked back into the town - with me pushing mum's wheelchair...
Then, erm, we walked all the way back again...
We were parked near this rock...
...which, back in the early seventies, seemed like a mountain to me and my sisters but we found a way up it..
Now of course it seems a lot smaller but, with my useless old legs, it was probably more difficult to climb - but I had to do it one more time...
...even though it was slightly easier than the Munro of a couple of weeks back, Pam was unable to reach the "summit"...
Mum watched from a safe distance...
Then, back into the car and to the Marine Hotel - a favourite haunt of my parents when my dad was alive - indeed he is kind of down on the beach that we could see from the window of the lounge where we enjoyed a celebratory afternoon tea for three...
Back home to Loanhead, eschewing James Last and Abba for some of my preferred music...
Post a visit from neighbour Donna, Pam and I said our farewells and we set off back to Edinburgh, picking up Anne at Haymarket before heading towards the airport...
I was left at Crispycat Towers feeling slightly unwell, no doubt due to one too many cream scones...
I took the opportunity to fix the handle on the back gate so that even the most doltish takeaway delivery person could shut it properly with the minimum of effort...
On Anne's return, we watched TV for the rest of the evening, including Tivo'd film "Nacho Libre" a not too funny Jack Black vehicle......
A good birthday for my mum though I would hope...
Highlight of the day : Mum's 80th...