Tuesday, December 05, 2023

That's a big plane...

Capital Models - 2023-12-03
Various Composers - The French Avant-Garde in the 20th Century
Brian Eno - Before and After Science
Brian Eno - Here Come the Warm Jets
Various Composers - The Avantgarde Series (DG)

Up late again and even more analysis...

...under ominous skies...

...and bluriness..

...and over blue USB lighting...

Fried eggs on toast for breakfast...

...before a trip down the hill for stamps, cards, money transferring duties etc etc...

Charity shop visits produced zero acquisitions...

Then, a drive to the Garden Centre at Mortonhall, Anne hoping to find a further present for Jane, beyond what she already has lined up...

Heavy rain and sunlight produced a good rainbow...

Plenty of Xmas stuff (and plenty expensive too) but nothing took the difficult to please fancy of the Exec Producer...

Onwards to Penicuik, hoping for lunch at the Navaar House Hotel but, despite it being deserted, we were advised it was fully booked...

Back towards town and to Dolly's in Roslin for a ciabatta and coffee...

We spotted one of nephew Ali's trucks parked in the village and I messaged him as to when he might finally appear to fix our kitchen piping/taps...

The EP was pleased that I got a reply - Ali advised he will visit at the weekend...

We will see...

To B&Q on the way home and a Xmas Tree bought - six times as tall as the one which has been gracing our Xmases for a very long time indeed...

As I returned to my analysis, Anne put the thing together...

..and it was soon "looking a lot like Xmas" at Crispycat Towers...

The Santa we bought o top it off was eventually displayed instead on the mantlepiece...

This, the final scene...

Two films watched this afternoon/evening, post my falling asleep during a Miles Jupp stand up performance...

"Nandor Fodor and the Talking Mongoose" was strange but good (just looked it up and it's based on a true story!), while "The Out-Laws" was very funny indeed - including the line "That's a big plane!" (you had to be there)...

Tasty lamb mince, potatoes, peas and carrots for tea...

More analysis, concluded this evening and then to downloading missing items from the DG Avantgarde Box Set, including two missing discs of Stockhausen's "music" which his estate refuses to allow DG to reissue...

Lights out at half past midnight...

Highlight of the Day : "That's a big plane!" and the new tree...  And the mince...

Today's New Music:-

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