Sunday, December 22, 2019

Rehearsing and cooking and rehearsing...

Caro Emerald - Deleted Scenes From The Cutting Room Floor
Bach, C P E - Sinfonien
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Twentynineteen
Kiss - Destroyer
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Twentytwenty Live Set BTs
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Best of CBQ 1997-2019 (Live Set BTs)

This morning, working on additional rhythm tracks for a couple of the songs on the proposed new CBQ album for 2020, as I cannot play along with what's there at present...

It worked out nicely...

Meanwhile, brother-in-law Bob was round for to fix the blind in the bathroom...

To rehearsing, the band version having been called off due to a mixture of illness and unavailability...

A set recorded - the 2020 album setlist...

Scaling things back from a couple of moths ago where guitar, bass, keys and synth were added - now, merely bass...


Then, while Anne went round to sister-in-law Jane's for a "ladies night", I visited my mum for some pre Xmas fun, having done some shopping for her on the way....

On returning from my mum's, to making my tea...

In the end the tinned toms were eschewed and soya sauce added...


A very tasty indeed Spag Bog...

...followed by more rehearsing - this time, two sets were recorded - the 2020 album setlist once again and the CBQ across the years setlist - which may be played with the band if we can actually all get together in one room at some point...

Late on a call to go and pick up Anne...

Back home, the first two episodes of "Star Trek : Discovery" were watched and pretty much enjoyed...

Highlight of the Day : Rehearsing...

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