Fehlfarben - Monarchie Und Alltag (Orig)
Fehlfarben - Über... Menschen
Fehlfarben - Glücksmaschinen
Fehlfarben - Xenophonie
Fehlfarben - Knietief im Dispo
Fehlfarben - Live - Hier Und Jetzt
Our last full day in Berlin, six degrees and rather galling to see tomorrow would be twenty...

Nonetheless, out this morning and over to Friedrichshain, emerging from the U-Bahn at Frankfurter Tor...
Breakfast at a great wee place on Boxhagenerstrasse...
...the owner of which was a real character...
It was opposite the sister hotel to the one at which we were staying in Prenzlauer Berg...
We would end up at this coffee place later...
..and Anne found Alice Cooper...
...resulted in these purchases...
We met up again for a quick lunch...
...which was tastier than this pic suggests...
What's this?
Back into the heart of East Berlin and Kreuzberg... search of coffee and cake...
The gardens were filled in in the 1970s...
...but have been restored today...
...following work undertaken in the 1990s...
A shame about the freezing, overcast day...
...which didn't seem to bother this wee beastie...
Over the river...
No one seems to look at this side...
...just this side...
A new mall is opening in two days' time - we will be gone...
A Trabant...
"Let it grow, please water"...
A famous kiss - exaggerated...
..and much photographed...
Now, other walls are being painted too...
A welcome warm tram took us back through where we'd started the day...
Out this evening to Oderquelle...

...for our last dinner of the trip...
Schnitzel and very close to the camera duck... Kastanienallee, hoping for a drink at Morgenrot but it was a case of "Montag, Ruhetag" - i.e. closed on Mondays...
Back towards home...
...and back home...
Our last full day in Berlin, six degrees and rather galling to see tomorrow would be twenty...
Nonetheless, out this morning and over to Friedrichshain, emerging from the U-Bahn at Frankfurter Tor...
Breakfast at a great wee place on Boxhagenerstrasse...
...the owner of which was a real character...
It was opposite the sister hotel to the one at which we were staying in Prenzlauer Berg...
A walk around the environs - unfortunately we were a bit early for many of the establishments to be open...
We would end up at this coffee place later...
Meanwhile, wall art impressed... did the deserted park...
This area is, as they say, "up and coming"...
A browse in a second hand clothes shop was not to Anne's delight...
The ad on the side of this looked a bit like a Rembrandt from far off...
Up to date clashed with down and out...
..and Anne found Alice Cooper...
Coffee time - the cakes were good... were the surroundings...
...but the wait for the coffees from the slowest barristas in the world was interminable...
We decided to head back to Alexanderplatz...
A visit to Saturn for me...
...resulted in these purchases...
We met up again for a quick lunch...
...which was tastier than this pic suggests...
Lunch was followed by a walk to the Cathedral and museum island...
...and past the Chancellor's apartment...
...and the University...
What's this?
Back into the heart of East Berlin and Kreuzberg... search of coffee and cake...
...which was eventually found...
Then, a walk along the trail of the Berlin Wall...
These gardens were split down the middle...
The East...
The West...
The gardens were filled in in the 1970s...
...but have been restored today...
...following work undertaken in the 1990s...
A shame about the freezing, overcast day...
...which didn't seem to bother this wee beastie...
Onward past the church of St Michael...
...which seemed to have lost its middle...
More walking...
...and more information on people needlessly killed, including 18 year old Paul Schutz, whose story is told in these frames...
Looks so peaceful now...
Over the river...
To the "East Side Gallery", much of which has been ruined by graffiti since we were last here four years ago...
No one seems to look at this side...
...just this side...
Recent building is starting to surround the "monument"...
A new mall is opening in two days' time - we will be gone...
What's this?
A Trabant...
"Let it grow, please water"...
A famous kiss - exaggerated...
..and much photographed...
Now, other walls are being painted too...
We had reached the end of the remaining wall and the cold was defeating us - so a way home was sought...
A welcome warm tram took us back through where we'd started the day...
...and back "home"...
A couple of Gerhard Richters taken in the corridor...
...and a "Don't Look Now" in our room...
Out this evening to Oderquelle...
...for our last dinner of the trip...
Schnitzel and very close to the camera duck...
Post an excellent meal, we wandered down past the Fire Station... Kastanienallee, hoping for a drink at Morgenrot but it was a case of "Montag, Ruhetag" - i.e. closed on Mondays...
Back towards home...
...but then, a tram trip back to Friedreichstrasse - why not, the night was young and Dussmann was open till midnight...
Last purchase of the holiday...
...and back home...
A bit of a strange day, all things considered...
Today's artwork, "A Much Photographed Kiss"...
Highlight of the Day : Potato bread breakfast...
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