Monday, December 04, 2017

Biscuit talk...

Various - Party Music
Various - Xmas Music

Down the hill this morning with party music on the cans...

Which brightened up an overcast day...

Chum Marta had been baking - tasty gingerbread...

Very nice - these the offcuts from items now adorning her Xmas tree apparently...

A different take on ginger than Anne's recent "ginger dunkers" - excellent chunky ginger biscuits, ideal for coffee dunking...

Back home in the evening, reasonably on fire for "University Challenge" but couldn't really compete with neck and neck UCL and Edinburgh, the latter wining by 5 points with the last answer before the gong...

Also on telly tonight, "Big Bang Theory" and two more episodes of "Gameface" which we've been bingeing on recently - one to go...

And two hour long Xmas themed podcasts w/out chat put together too...


Highlight of the Day : Xmas prep...

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