Tuesday, August 08, 2017


Cloudland Blue Quartet - Disquietmusik
Cloudland Blue Quartet - 2017 Drum Tracks

Up unfeasibly early to work on the drum tracks again...

Kind of finished and so, onto the iPod and out, just listening to drums...

Looking forward to adding instrumentation...

The beast was about its business...

At lunchtime, a card purchased re nephew Olly's excellent 8 straight "A"s performance in whatever it is exams they do these days at age 16...

This was delivered stuffed full of money by a proud aunt...

On the way home, Rory Custard spotted - looking guilty...

In the evening, bass work started...

Sore thumb by the end of it...

Now have 30 drum tracks and thirty bass tracks to sync together...

It's all good...

Highlight of the day : Bassing...

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