Sunday, December 25, 2016

King of the Christmas Castle...

Various - The Best Xmas EP in the World...Ever!
Various - Milano Jukebox 2016
Beethoven - String Quartet Opus 131
Haydn - Complete Piano Sonatas

Awake for much of the night but did not rise until a reasonable hour, considering it was Xmas morning...

Awaited the surfacing of the Exec Producer...

Xmas EP loaded up and presents duly opened - the ceremony supposedly recorded - only to find later that the memory card was not in the camera and the pics were lost...

Oh well...

Breakfast was recorded...

What's this?

Mr Squirrel popped by for a Xmas Breakfast, courtesy of the Crispycat Feeding Station...

Presents were duly re-recorded although the moment of opening was lost to the past...

Back to bed for your correspondent to try and recharge his batteries...

In the afternoon, out to sister Sheila's for the family Xmas dinner... 

Great-nephew Kerr had decided to build a fort - here, the not very detailed plans...

It seemed to work nonetheless...

Chat and prep in the kitchen....

All was ready...

A spillage, blamed on young Kerr but due, in fact to your correspondent's boots, was remedied by the young man...

Wee Dougie, so ill just a couple of week's back, finally awoke from his afternoon slumbers and was duly installed as undeniable King of the Christmas Castle...

Present exchanges ensued....

Then, to the table for more festivities...

A break pre-pudding, allowed the newest member of the family to enjoy his new toys...

...ably assisted by his great aunt...

...and his aunt to be...

Post pudding, games and chaos...

The auld yin had a good day...

It would have been good to have had sister Pam there too but that's six Christmases now celebrated since she left us...

These, from ten years ago today...

Back to today and more chaos...

By 7:30, I was not bearing up very well and so we said our farewells and headed off into the night...

Managed to watch the "Dr Who" special, very enjoyable - but was ready to konk out by the time the new utter hokum of "Timeless" ended...

A good Xmas day despite the nagging lurgi doing their best to spoil things...

Highlight of the Day : It was Xmas...

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