Ekkehard Ehlers - A Life Without Fear
Sarah MacDougall - Across the Atlantic
Eric Carmen - All By Myself
Borodin - The Three Symphonies
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Covers 2015
And September is gone, half of it spent in Canada...
Feeding station is in demand, kind of...
And September is gone, half of it spent in Canada...
Feeding station is in demand, kind of...
Hello there you wee monkey...
The sun is not shining on Volkswagen right now but it was this morning on this one...
A telegraph pole - I like them - they take stuff places, kind of...
Another lovely day in Edinburgh...
...and home under a low Autumn sun...
...for some late evening...
...simple guitar/vocal recording of three sets of covers...
Considering I usually play bass on these and quite a few of the keys had to be amended, I did not do too badly for a first run through...
This may be the start of a new project, as if I don't have enough already - the two exhibition pieces for Manchester and New York are done and away now though, although not yet "out there", man...
A well-deserved rebuke from the Exec Producer was received, as I launched into the final number, "Blue Suede Shoes", at gone 10:30 - hence the shout of "last one" on the tape of proceedings, not that anyone other than your correspondent will ever hear it...
And of course I forgot to press record for the entire first set...
Highlight of the Day : Playing some songs...