Cloudland Blue Quartet - Starlightnight Box
Vanilla Fudge - Renaissance
Dealing with flooding early today...
Legs not working properly, especially my right knee...
Despite this, to Fopp at lunchtime and almost tempted by box sets by Fassbinder and others...
Nothing procured however...
Mid afternoon, disaster struck as, whilst trying to deal with a broken fingernail, a small part of one of my front teeth conspired to sheer off...
Back home and "the fudge" soundtracked some furniture removal, pre a new carpet tomorrow...

Meg the Back Cat enjoyed the new set up in the back room...

In the evening, much telly...
A "Montalbano", the 100th "Mock the Week", the last of "Don't Trust the Bitch in Appartment 23", writing this up then bed...
In England, sister Sheila and nephew Andy were at Pam's house yesterday doing more prep for its sale - today this took a step closer to finalisation...
Meanwhile Anna has sent some pics of her Ben Nevis climb - which will be posted here once downloaded...
To bed...

Highlight of the Day : Finalisation getting closer...
Meg's now a Back Cat? Some new breed or is it an ability?
Congratulations - well spotted...
Amended accordingly...
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