Edgar Froese - Solo 1974-1983
Miles Davis - The Complete Live at the Plugged Nickel
Allan Holdsworth - Sixteen Men of Tain
Various - The Milano Jukeboxes 1998-2011 on Shuffleplay
The Beach Boys - Surf's Up
Deus - No More Loud Music
Up early, lurgi somewhat abated but still lurking...
Much like Meg the Black Cat...

Some work - adding the February three track medley live set to the disc containing the re-recorded version of "Starlightnight" played live way back in March - when it seemed the album was imminent...
It is now, after much unforeseen work...
Also, reorganising ripped albums from the collection, situated on various hard drives...
I have around 3,200 of my own albums ripped on there (along with another 2,000 or so sourced from "elsewhere")...
That's probably too much music...
We're talking, all told, probably more than 9,000 albums which, if averaged at say 45 minutes a time, is around 6,750 hours of music...
At my current rate of listening, I could probably go four years without playing the same thing twice...
Of course I don't do that...
I spend far too much time listening to me...
Hey ho...
Also discovered this morning that my "CD Walkman" is on the blink, having been held together for a number of years by a judiciously placed lump of Blu-tac...
A new Sony machine was sourced and purchased...
New reading glasses were also sourced but my attempt to give the good people at Clas Ohlson some spondoolies was denied for some reason...
I shall return...
Anyway, just after 11, over to Loanhead to pick up my morphine addicted mum, whose current dosage is so high, it's not safe for her to drive...
Today we were off over to Bearsden to visit chums Moira and Lex, just back from a Turkish cruise, tales of which entertained pre tasty soup and French bread...
Leaving Lex to the golf and mum and Moira chin-wagging, Anne and I took the train into Glasgow for some shopping...

Which, for me, meant, of course, record shops, mostly those clustered around Central Station...

Art galleries were not visited...

Eight albums acquired for £16 in Fopp's second hand section - elsewhere throughout the shop, the same titles were displayed at a rather higher £68 for the lot - of course I would never have bought them at that outlay...
But a £2 price tag flicks on my CD buying idiot switch...
Discs by Deus, Fountains of Wayne (I own an illegal burn already), Jefferson Airplane, Lambchop (erm, it seems I actually own this CD already! - idiot), Wolfmother, Manitoba (aka Caribou) and three Beach Boys (Count Brodski's faves - along with Kraftwerk) - were added to the, as demonstrated above, already far too big music library at Crispycat Towers...
In nearby Missing, Jack Bruce's debut "Songs For a Tailor" joined the fray for £4 - I have to thank blog buddy Sid Smith for assisting me in seeing the light re the output of this Scotsman...
Meanwhile, Anne bought some things she likes, which were unveiled over caffeine based refreshment at Costa Coffee...

Then, the train back to Lex and Moira's...

More entertaining chat and a very tasty and leisurely dinner of home made mince pie with new potatoes and cauliflower cheese, followed by cheeseboard and fresh fruit salad with cream...
Moira's stories of her ogre like boss, Mr Pirrie, were enlightening as to work practices which contributed to the historic often times anecdotal lack of efficiency in the NHS...
The sample testing lab, on the instructions of said man, was not allowed to accept any new samples for testing after 3 in the afternoon, for fear he wouldn't be able lock up the lab and head for home dead on five every night...
Cue lab assistants doing their knitting for the last hour or so of every day...
And so we chatted into the night, causing our departure to be stretched back to 10:30...
I didn't take a pic of Lex and Moira but there they are in July 2008 - they have not changed much, if at all, in the last four years...
Having received a text from brother-in-law Bobby this morning, as we were on our way westwards, advising, having just left for a holiday up North, he reckoned he'd left the oven on (sister in law Jane advised he was a "goat" for this), we had mum back to Loanhead by 11:30 and headed home for Jane and Bobby's key and then on to their house near Murrayfield...
We arrived just as tonight's attended by around 60,000 fans Madona concert sent its happy punters out onto the streets around said Murrayfield...
After negotiating our way through the crowds and jams, we arrived home well after midnight (Jane and Bobby's house is 4 minutes away from ours)...
Not to worry...
Managed to rip all today's purchases to the new "recent acquisitions" jukebox before, after 1am, the exec Producer advised it was time for me, her and Meg the Black Cat to hit the proverbial sack...
A good day...
...and Bobby had not left the oven on...
Highlight of the Day : A visit to Bearsden...
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