Various - Milano Jukebox 1998 Vols 1-7
Up at 5 and out into the sun at 6...

A long drive ahead...
We stopped over the border at Westmoreland for breakfast...

...then ploughed on...

Our only hold up was not re a boat on a lorry... was for a rather bad looking smash on the M1, involving two other lorries, one of which lay across both carriageways...

Hope the driver was ok but it looked pretty bad...
Arrived at Pam's just after 1...

The back garden was like a jungle...

I made a start at cutting the grass - trying to avoid the anthills...
Then, we drove over to St Albans for a look around...

...some shopping and lunch...

Back to the house and I started clearing out the huts while Anne continued on the grass cutting front...

Then, it was into the attic to do the final clearance up there but, all in all, there was much less to get rid of in the final push to clear than we'd imagined...

Later on, visits from Pam's chums Deb and Michelle, grateful recipients of Pam's three piece suite and king sized bed respectively - other chum Anna now has Pam's dining tabnle and chairs...

The remainder of the evening was spent listening to music and doing our best to relax in a house in which all that was left now was, basically, junk...

Tough times...
Highlight of the Day : Mind taken off things by St Albans...
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