Neal Morse – Sola Scriptura
Return to Forever – Anthology
CBQ & Sour Grapes Productions – Black Earth
Peri Urban – Suggested Collaborations
Edward Spark – ES-013-B
Various Composers – Classical Music whilst Cooking
David Sylvian - Manafon
Back to FOPP at lunchtime today but nothing bought...
Back home and, with Anne off to a “Zumba” class, where she apparently, amongst other things, learned the choreography for the Beyonce track used recently in “Glee”, I spent the evening working on music...
I didn’t touch any instruments though, I was tasked with the listening to of tracks received from Peri Urban for possible collaboration, the listening to of a new mix of Edward Spark’s piece downloaded today and the separating and uploading of the files for the collaboration with the Sour Grapes boys 10,000 miles away near Brisbane...
Once they have downloaded at their end, they will work on remixing matters...
But it wasn’t all music related – I cooked a big pot of jambalaya for our dinner this evening and for Anne’s lunch tomorrow...

On telly, “Jamie Does Marrakech” entertained before more listening to the weird and wonderful sounds created by Mr Urban which popped through the letter box today on a DVD...
Highlight of the Day : New possibilities...
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