Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The killers at the counter...

Cloudland Blue Quartet - The New Recordings

Making myself sick of the new stuff by constant listening and evaluating, ha ha....

A reasonable day....

..and work this evening on "The Cage Sonata" - a remixing job, with adjustment to the percussion track, followed by (hopefully) the final tweaking of "Krebs Went to War"....

Then "CSI" - one of the worst episodes we've seen - based around pant-sniffing - I kid you not - and, on Tivo, last night's "Glee" - which was little to Madonna-centric for our tastes, though still enjoyable....

The day ended with some lyric writing and singing on an instrumental track based around a Janacek piano sonata and previously entitled "Flown"....

It's now called "The Killers at the Counter"...


Highlight of the day : Writing and singing...

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