Jason Falkner - Can You Still Feel
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Soundingfall
Celebrations at the office of "The Man" today for young colleague Gillian who is taking tomorrow off to celebrate her 18th birthday...
Your correspondent was called upon to present a card, gifts and to make a speech...
He recalled what he remembered himself of being 18...
Being sacked from two jobs that summer - one in a department store for, amongst other things, being found inside a wardrobe when it was opened to demonstrate storage capacity to a prospective buyer...
And one with an agricultural contracter with whom he couldn't cut the mustard - best incident being the misdirection of a haystack building tractor so as to have it knock the entire haystack on top of him, resulting in the boss having to waste a considerable part of his day at A&E...
Of course it was also the summer of punk rock - Sex Pistols on "Top of the Pops" and all that...
And "Going for The One" by Yes entering the album charts at number one...
My last summer before I started recording my own music...
32 years on - success appears to have eluded me...
Anyway, here's a gratuitous pic, from the same session, of my right hand lady, Margaret - she is lovely...
To FOPP at lunchtime and bought four CDs - my eyesight is getting so bad however that my illustrative pic is badly out of focus...
So that's CDs by Can, Lo Fidelity All Stars, Culture and Noah & the Whale...
In the evening, down to Musselburgh for my second rehearsal with Peri Urban for the November gig...
I decided to drop both parts of "The Sound of the Fall" and may well end up dropping "Never or Now" as it's a bit tricky...
The others are coming along nicely though and you can hear the official versions by clicking on the titles...
So Long Kid
I Believed You Said We Dreamt
Tomorrow or the Day After Next
Please Stay With Us
We Drove
My House Could Be Your Home
They Broke the Door Down
Home in time for "This Week" and to bed just before 1 am...
Would be good to have those 32 years back again...
Highlight of the Day : Further rehearsals...
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