Cloudland Blue Quartet – Soundingfall
Strauss – Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme
Dolly Parton – The Only Dolly Parton Album You’ll Ever Need
Oscar Peterson – The Duke Ellington Songbook
The Upsetters – Scratch the Upsetter Again
Oscar Peterson – The Count Basie Songbook
Various – Tighten up Vol 5
Spent the majority of the morning (while Anne slept on after the late night) working on a remix of the last song before finalising the running order of the new LP...
It may be time to say “it’s ready” and step away?
You can judge the tracks below (or above) if you’re reading this post 5 April 2009...
I intend not to listen for a few days and then go back to it...
Worked on the cover, adding all the lyrics...
Then, out for brunch with Anne to Café Citron before heading uptown to collect Anne’s groovy new specs...
Couldn’t resist a wee visit to FOPP and bought three discs, Oscar Peterson 2CD set of 4 songbook albums, a disc by The Upsetters and a collection of sixties and seventies reggae, “Tighten Up Vol 5”...
I was bemoaning the fact that I am addicted to acquiring new music – but the Exec Producer took the philosophical view that she’d rather I was buying CDs than, say, wasting our hard earned bundles of three pound coins on booze and fags...
Fair point...
Back home and spent some time ripping CDs for upload to the jukeboxes before we headed to Anne’s mum’s for brother-in-law Keith’s birthday tea – he will be 50 on Friday, beating me by around three weeks...
Anne’s mum presented us with a painting she’s done based on a photo from our Canadian holiday...
It’s now hanging in our kitchen...
...and the pic of Crispy the cat it has replaced, is hanging in the hall...
A splendid time was had by all and the meal comprised some home made curry and the best spongecake in the world...
Kitty and Ollie were as well behaved as ever
Back home, listened to the new purchases before heading to bed at the very early time of 11:20pm, post “Match of the Day 2” of course...
Highlight of the Day : Finishing the album?
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