Argent – All Together Now
Alice Cooper – Trash
Three – To The Power of Three
Roy Wood – Singles 1971-1976 (2CD-R)
Depeche Mode – Sounds of the Universe
To HMV at lunchtime and procured the new Depeche Mode album for nine quid...
On the way home, spotted this young lady seemingly using some plant stalks as a mobile phone...
After some excellent Red Thai Chicken Curry from Anne’s kitchen, we drove to my mum’s, soundtracked by the impressive new Mode LP – considerably more arty and up its own arse than the PSB latest but none the worse for that – it’s no crime for DM to take themselves “seriously”...
Mum was in good form – and, it seemed to me, much better than a few weeks ago when we attended Lex & Moira’s Golden Wedding celebrations...
I realise of course that this is just my own perception and I was seeing her again back in her own domain...
When she’s outside and I can see her in perspective to the wider world, with her bent back and inability to walk unaided, I feel annoyed at her for getting so old...
And, I suppose, her mood too must change whenever she leaves her home as it must bring home to her how debilitated she is...
Anyway, enough of that, we had a good old chat tonight between the three of us and I found out that the first piece of tech my mum remembers having was her family’s first radio set...
My parents got their first TV in 1959, just before I was born – their thinking was, that with two kids, they wouldn’t get out so much, so a TV would be ideal...
Their first colour set wasn’t till January 1972 – their first car was 1967 I think...
In those days of course, the TVs were rented (as the radio had been – hence Radio Rentals) – I can still remember as a very young boy, the smell from the TV repairman’s soldering iron as I’d watch him sorting out something or other having removed the back of the set...
Amongst other stories Mum gave us a few stories about the local priest, whom she proclaimed had “emptied the chapel”...
Apparently he’s an ex-governor of Wormwood Scrubs, having moved into the priesthood only after retiring early (on a damn fine pension by all accounts in the village) and he does love a meringue...
Mum also advised that the old gentleman she visited every so often as part of her Church duties had died - he was 98 but still very active, often spending the day painting...
So, maybe another 48 years?
Doubt it...
Pinapple cakes and coffee were enjoyed before we headed home in time for “Question Time” and “This Week”..
Highlight of the Day : A visit to my mum...
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