Cloudland Blue Quartet – Soundingfall
David Bowie - “Heroes”
A misty morning...
...which later gave way to a sunny day...
Wandered aimlessly around HMV at lunchtime – as is my wont...
Post arbeit, wandered unaimlessly down to Stockbridge for a pre-arranged rendezvous with the Exec Producer, Arsenal Chris, Fonz and Debbie...
Saw this bird house...
I was to be there for 6 and arrived roughly 45 minutes early so wandered aimlessly around Stockbridge as the shops were closing...
Saw this – the largest remote control I’ve ever seen...
In the Shelter shop, I found a copy of Thomas Mann’s “Death in Venice/Tristan/Tonio Krogor” and purchased said book for £1.50...
I wandered unaimlessly back to Hamilton’s bar and found a comfortable chair, sipped on a pint of Kronenbourg, slipped on the old reading glasses and started to read the book – whilst listening to Mr David Bowie’s 1977 classic, “”Heroes””...
The quartet arrived around 6:25 – I had been warned of their tardiness by text – and we stayed in the bar a-drinking and a-carousing until – well, I don’t know really as Mr K magicked my mind...
We were joined later on, post Debbie’s exit, by hairdresser Keith Angus – coincidentally a great chum of Arsenal Chris and the man who, once upon a time, tended to the hair-tending needs of the Exec Producer...
Mr A had just finished work on Fonz’s young lady, Louise’s hair and very fine it looked too...
I “helped” Arsenal Chris in his attempts to “chat up” two young ladies at the end of our table – one of whom was getting married in Sorrento in June, the other wasn’t – but nonetheless was not up for any sort of relationship with Chris...
They were good fun though...
Anne and I left everyone to it, stopped off at the chippie...
...walked back up to Princes Street and caught a bus back to Crispycat Towers...
Your correspondent was officially “the worse for wear”...
Lights out...
Highlight of the Day : A night out with chums...
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