The Soft Machine – Volume One
The Soft Machine – Volume Two
Soft Machine – Third
Soft Machine – Fourth
Soft Machine – Fifth
Various – From the Velvets to the Voidoids
First off, a couple of treated pics from yesterday that I was unable to upload due to the PC buggering me about...
Today, inspired by last night’s viewing of “Prog Britannia”, I was soundtracked by some top Soft Machine doodlinhgs...
A £3 purchase at Fopp of a 2CD set of US “punk” rock in the shape of “From the Velvets to the Voidoids” occurred...
Some cracking tunes from The Velvet Underground, The Stooges, MC5, Alice Cooper, The Modern lovers, Lou Reed, New York Dolls, Patti Smith, Talking Heads, Television, Ramones, Blondie, Dead Boys, The Dictators, The Heartbreakers, Suicide, Pere Ubu, Devo and Richard Hell and the Voidoids – what’s not to like?
And £3...
Tonight, Anne was out at “Slumdog Millionaire” with Lynn...
Took the opportunity to watch “Prog at the BBC” followed by Mark Lawson’s interview with Phil Collins...
Despite the differences in our earnings from our music, it appears we write in exactly the same way – bang a few chords together, sing whatever comes into our heads over that, write down what you’ve sung, sort it out a bit and Bob’s your uncle – like me, he appears to have little idea regarding what many of his songs are about...
Then, another very frustrating evening re problems with the PC – literally, hours of my life wasted...
Not to worry...
Late doors, Meg the Black cat was intrigued by a box containing the original cassette versions of my albums from 1977 to 1996...
Twenty years in a box...
Highlight of the Day : Great music to soothe my frustrations...
Dear Mr. CBQ,
re your PC problems...
Get a mac!
I thought I'd let you know that you are the first person I've said that to since I got my fabbo iMac.
Cheeky Monkey
The PC's "sorted" now - it was just an issue with my protection/firewall - I needed to download and install an updated version...
I think many of my PC problems stem from me downloading various programmes at various points that I don't really need or never really use...
When I ran the first scan, post this dowenload, the new software showed me I have over 3,000 programmes on the PC...
That's probably too many...
I should probably go to PC World with it and get it cleaned out...
Look forward to any Mac use updates on your blog big man...
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