Cloudland Blue Quartet – Discography on Shuffleplay
Cloudland Blue Quartet – Soundingfall
Various – Jazz Jukebox on Shuffleplay
Lunch with a Russian fund manager today – can’t say fairer than that...
Confirmed we’re going to Hell in a handcart...
In the evening a return to Out of the Bedroom...
Despite getting there at 7:10pm (earlier than a fortnight ago when I was second on the list) I was the 11th performer to arrive, failing miserably to secure a full slot...
And so I was a “squashee” – people who are normally allowed one song and who are fitted in if time allows...
Just as the evening of song started, Mr Stuart Cobley turned up as promised....
The Master of Ceremonies started off the first half slightly early and the evening ran ahead of schedule...
Again a couple of minutes early, I opened the second half and, as things were going smoothly, timewise, I was granted a two song slot...
So I dropped “Twenty Twenty Vision” and went with the two new songs “We Drove” and “Blend”...
As always, I was super nervous and relied on my music and lyrics on the stand to my side...
It went ok though I thought - it will be interesting to see what the reviewer made of my efforts...
Despite my new found conviction to air some CBQ stuff every couple of weeks this year, I think I am probably a studio musician at heart - but you can't beat audience reaction...
For the acoustic version of “We Drove”, I’ve recently added two more chord sequences (merely singing different verses in different keys) but I didn't trust myself to play them tonight...
After hanging around a bit to see OOTB founder Nelson Wright play (sounding like John Cale of all people I thought with his excellent spoken word material)...
...the attendant Creekers headed upstairs for a chat and a drink...
By the end of this, Stuart too believed we are all going to Hell in a handcart...
I gave him a lift out to his home town of Penicuik and, on the way, he told me all about his career as a photographer – which sounds interesting indeed – with much moolah to be made for very few hours’ work apparently...
Drove home to the sounds of the proposed new album and, upon arrival, enjoyed the end of “Question Time” followed by “This Week” – during which we were assured we’re all going to Hell in a handcart...
Highlight of the day : Playing again...
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