Cloudland Blue Quartet – Soundingfall
Paul McCartney – Memory Almost Full
Paul McCartney – Ecce Cor Meum
Gentle Giant - Discography
Up early and remixed “We Drove” yet again and created a new mock up CD of the seven tracks with added EQ and sprinkles to make it nice then ripped this into MP3 mode to replace the previous version on the Jukebox...
Didn’t notice anything wrong with the computer...
Almost everyday, at lunchtime I walk along Rose Street from one end to the other to visit FOPP...
Rose St looking East
The side wall of FOPP
Rose St looking West
Today, with my 2009 CD duck having been broken on Saturday, I bought two Paul McCartney CDs for just £2 each – because I wanted them, not because they were £2 each...
I already have a dodgy download of “Memory Almost Full” and it was an ideal opportunity to upgrade – as for the classical disc, since McCartney is such a phenomenal tunesmith, it was bound to be some tip-top-in-the-tuneful-department stuff which, sometimes, is just what you need in those classical moments...
On listening to it (it’s a choral work), it’s only in certain places you realise the singing is in English – the voices meld into one big new musical instrument...
And, I can report, it is indeed tuneful...
Got a call from the Exec Producer later in the day advising the PC was “goosed”...
Back home it seemed to be true...
So, after an excellent dinner starring Anne’s lovely home made macaroni cheese with bacon, I set myself to the task of fixing it...
A problem with Zone Alarm – so I disabled it and switched on the Windows Firewall instead and that seemed to do the trick for now – we’ll see...
Buggering about trying to fix matters though took up most of the evening – which was annoying...
Finished off the day with another quick mix of “We Drove” as I detected a slight out of tuneness on just one word – which, luckily was used elsewhere and this latter usage was able to be doubled and pasted in...
Ah the wonders of technology...
Late on, a surfing of the BBC's Prog Rock archives re the recently shown on BBC4 programmes, revealed an unseen in the broadcasts interview with Gentle Giant - who looked like three wee old men sitting on a couch in a huge room, probably the Gentle Giant's sitting room...
This prompted me to fire up the jukebox and listen to their entire ouevre on shuffleplay...
Not The Nice...
Highlight of the Day : Anne’s very tasty macaroni cheese – she should open a shop...
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