Alan Morse – Four O’Clock and Hysteria
Depeche Mode - Ultra
Roxy Music – The Thrill of it All
Teresa Salgueiro/Septeto de Joao Cristal – Voce e Eu
Anne was over in Fife tonight for a works leaving do – Singstar Dawn was leaving the fold – in fact left last week but the party was tonight...
So I turned down all offers so as to be available for taxi duty...
Spent the evening pottering around the house and ended up watching the end of the Batman film I started watching a couple of months ago and then disc one of the double DVD of Roxy Music I received at Christmas...
Very enjoyable indeed...
The call finally came and I left for Dunfermline around 11:30...
Whilst driving around Dunfermline trying to find the nitespot where everything was “going down, man” I got caught by the police going the wrong way along a one way street, having already gone through at least three No Entry signs apparently....
Nine penalty points and a £300 fine they advised – rather an expensive lift home for the Executive Producer...
However, I played the tourist card, advising I was over from Edinburgh and hadn’t ever driven around Dunfermline before and I was looking for the club (whose name escaped me) where my wife was partying the night away and that must have been why I hadn't realised I'd been driving the wrong way along several one-way streets...
The gullible police very kindly let me off and sent me on my way with a warning to go and park and walk into the town centre – judging by the carnage which was taking place as the pubs closed up for the night, I suspect they already had their hands more than full with drunken punters...
A lucky escape...
Finally found my way to the venue and met up with the drunken rabble just as they were being ejected into the night...
Took Chris-with-a-Ch home to Dalgety Bay and then Debbie (the wonderful cook) to the far side of Edinburgh....
Back home around 1:15 or so....
Highlight of the Day : Being let off with a driving offence...
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