Various – 5 Minute Pieces - Jazz (Shuffleplay)
Neal Morse – Sola Scriptura
A comment on the blog the other day pointed out that the picture of Brian Eno I used a couple of weeks ago to illustrate the arrival of the latest Fripp & Eno recordings at Crispycat Towers was by the late Peter Schmidt...
I knew this but had not mentioned it – there’s a link there now to an excellent site dedicated to the late artist and his work...
Schmidt was involved in the cover artwork of Brian Eno’s “Taking Tiger Mountain” and “Before and After Science” albums and also painted the picture which graces the front cover of Fripp & Eno’s “Evening Star”, one of my all time favourite paintings...

The guy who maintains the Peter Schmidt site (and who actually owns the painting I used a few weeks ago) is apparently off to Eno’s house this summer to photograph items from Eno’s own collection of Schmidt’s works, which includes this painting, which has apparently hung in Eno’s home for nearly 35 years...
It was painted in autumn 1973 on La Gomera, the smallest of the Canary Islands....
In the "Letters" section on the Schmidt website, at the very bottom of the "Miscellaneous" section, is the last note the artist wrote, describing his hopes in re experiencing the moment it was painted on his forthcoming trip. He died a few days after arriving there....
La Gomera means “small firebrand” – so perhaps the Eno track “Over Fire Island” from “Another Green World” is a reference to this...
Elsewhere today, I visited FOPP but made no purchase – it’s only a matter of time until I go mental and walk out clutching a bag of £3 CDs which I’ll transfer to the jukebox without even listening to...
I am mad...
Back home an order from Amazon arrived – presents for our friends in Germany, Jorg and Yvonne, who celebrate their 45th and 40th birthdays respectively next weekend...
Of course whilst shopping there, I couldn’t resist adding the latest album by ex-Spocks Beard frontman and purveyor of excellent nu-prog, Mr Neal Morse...
I listened to it as I pounded the machines at the gym tonight...
I failed to move up to double the number of sets I’ve been doing because, quite frankly, some of the individuals at the gym were just too smelly for me to bear...
On telly, “CSI “ and last Saturday’s "Dr Who", featuring the Sontaran’s which I resemble but hopefully not for much longer...
Highlight of the Day : Learning more ablout Peter Schmidt
I remember getting "Before And After Science" when it was released and loved the little prints of Peter Schmidts paintings. Though they were reproduced for the original CD release they were left off the recent re-issue, which is criminal as they were an integral part of that album. By the way Fripp has remastered both "No Pussyfooting" and "Evening Star" with Simon Heyworth, but no release date has been set yet.
Thanks for that Barrie - I too owned the original album with the four prints in the envelope - the album was subtitled "Fourteen Pictures" i.e. ten aural and four visual..
Still one of my all time favourites...
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