Neal Morse – Testimony
Neal Morse – One
Lunch with “The Man”, Yuill, Keith and Gary, to celebrate my decade of music funding by means other than music...
Started civilised enough at Time for Thai where I enjoyed some lovely hot and sour chicken soup followed by a beef thai green curry and a wee bit of ice cream. However, the four bottles of rose may have gone some way to lead to a return to the infamous Tigerlily where we spent the rest of the day reminiscing and getting progressively more drunk...
I’d hung my coat up on entry and so, at around 8 when I was leaving, I reached for my jukebox and found it missing. I won’t describe the whole situation but suffice to say it involved demands that CCTV footage be studied etc etc...
Of course I’d left it on my desk before heading out for lunch – I will apologise tomorrow...
Bus home – ran out of credit on my phone and spent a goodly time trying to phone 02 to find out how to top up using my Switch card – I believe this is impossible if you’re on a bus rather than in a retail outlet that offers phone top-up services...
Anyway, I then fell asleep only to awaken at the terminus on an empty bus with the driver about to set off back into town...
I jumped up, thanked him for his services, alighted the bus and stotted down the road to Crispycat Towers...
The England v Croatia game was on – it was just coming up to half time and Croatia were leading 2-0. At half time they replayed the terrible goal-keeping gaffe that was first goal. A couple of minutes later, Anne asked “What did you think of that terrible goal-keeping gaffe that was first goal?”...
“I never saw that” I replied...
Of course it ended 2-3 after England had clawed their way back via a very soft penalty and a quite brilliantly executed volley from (“he’s big, he’s red, his feet stick out the bed”) Peter Crouch...
Over the whole campaign I suppose justice was done but now we’re in for some prolonged wailing and gnashing of teeth and “how can it be a tournament worth its salt if the mighty England aren’t there”...

By the time “Heroes” came on I was doing not too badly thank you very much and managed to remain awake for the rest of the night – we watched “Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares” re a restaurant in Nerja, Spain which I’m very glad to say we did not visit when last there in March 2005...
Then, off to the land of Nod...
Much snoring apparently – though there is no evidence as far as I can see...
Highlight of the Day : Sadly, England got what they deserved...
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