Various - Jukebox Shuffleplay
Grand Funk Railroad - Born to Die
Alice Cooper - Prime Cuts (DVD)
Alice Cooper - Live in Montreux 2005 (DVD)
ProjeKct Two (King Crimson) - Heavy ConstruKction (Live 1998)
Bartok - String Quartets Nos 5 & 6
Ah tonight I really ought to have been over at the Glasgow SECC for Alice Cooper but I hummed and hawed about getting a ticket as the views and sound in that particular venue are just so bad...
Then I toyed with the idea of just going through tonight and paying at the door - but of course I can't drive right now and timings conspired to thwart me using any other mode of transport...
So, instead, with Anne out on the ran-dan with her chum Lynn (and having flatly refused to drive us through to Glasgow - "You've seen Alice Cooper hundreds of times" she said - "Twelve I replied", to no avail), I switched off all the lights and cranked up the DVD via the hi-fi and on the new extra big telly I enjoyed three glorious hours of the Coop...
I checked the setlist for the current tour - there's only one song in there I've never heard him play live before, although it would've been good to see him being hanged again...
Oh well, not to worry...
Awaited Anne's return accompanied by a blistering track downloaded from DGM Live followed by some Bartok string quartets - my late night listening being influenced by my leisurely reading of Robert Fripp's diary...
Highlight of the Day : Alice Cooper in the comfort of my own home...
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