Various - 50 of my Favourite Artists/Groups (Jukebox Shuffleplay)
Happy Apple - Happy Apple Back on Top
The League of Crafty Guitarists - Asturias
King Crimson - Last Skirmish from "Lizard" (Haskell & McCulloch only)
The doorbell at 7:50 am...
It is the arrival of the 30GB Jukebox...
Another machine for me to waste much time mucking around with..
To the infirmary this morning for my 4 week check up...
All fine and dandy - movement good but physiotherapy to commence as soon as possible to help things along...
I forget to mention the pins and needles again and the fact that, occasionally, if I try and touch my nose I miss by a goodly distance...
The pain will continue for another six months or so until my muscles and tendons start to fit in with, and become used to, the jaggedy space within, and the roughness of, the freshly shaved bone...
On my way out I take advantage of a "lung tester". Disappointedly in view of my oft breathelessness after climbing the stairs at Cripsycat Towers, I am advised my lungs are "within the norm" for my age, pop a quid in the box and head off...
Back home and another wee parcel has arrived - the newest album from Happy Apple - regular readers may recall I saw them a couple of times at the Edinburgh Festival earlier this year...

This is my fifth Happy Apple LP and it is a cracker, just like all the others...
In the evening I watch "Coronation St" but must draw a line at Ken Gwok, or whatever the man is called, and do so in order to retire upstairs for some mucking about and to-ing and fro-ing with tracks between the two jukeboxes and the hard drive and downloading a couple of tasty tracks from Robert Fripp's DGM Live website before re-joining Anne for another cracking episode of "Heroes"...
All in all a good day...
Highlight of the Day : New Happy Apple / "New" Jukebox
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