Ken Hensley - Eager to Please
Laura Pausini - Escucha
Dar Williams - The Beauty of the Rain
Bud Powell - Time Was
More work on the album today, adding instrumentation to two of the faster songs, "Rabbits on the Verge" and "The Secret of my Success". I also re-sang the vocals on "Rabbits" and removed some backing vocals from "The Unfortunate"...
That was before and after watching tonight's two episodes of "Coronation Street" and the Grand Final of University Challenge, in which Durham whopped Manchester's asses and Anne and I were able to answer a paltry total of 12 questions between us...
Later on, the first in the new comedy sketch series from Paul Whitehouse and Harry Enfield was mildly entertaining and showed some promise...
Listening-wise, I eschewed the CBQ stuff (which is more of a duty rather than anything else) for albums such as this from the lovely Dar Williams...

Highlight of the Day : One step closer to completing the album
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