Cloudland Blue Quartet - Ersatzreal
Horace Silver - Stylings of Silver
Horace Silver - You Gotta Take a Little Love
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Concrete
Bought my first CD since 6 April today, Horace Silver's "You Gotta Take a Little Love" - reason for doing so? Billy Cobham on drums...

As it turns out, his performance is a bit anonymous and really shows no promise of what he was to do a couple of years later with Miles Davis or the Mahavishnu Orchestra....
Having said that though, the album itself is entertaining enough. Recorded in 1969, I was able to compare and contrast with my first listening of one of the 6 April purchases, Silver's 1958 recording "The Stylings of Silver"...
All in all, the earlier album won it for me...
I made the purchase at FOPP and also picked up Orson Welles "The Trial", his adaptation of the Kafka book...

I remember watching this with my dad way back and being fascinated by one particular musical theme in the film. My dad couldn't identify it....
Years later I found out it was Albinoni's Adagio for Organ and Strings which, subsequently, has become a very popular piece indeed....
Sadly, on checking this on Amazon, I find it's not going to to be the best DVD ever as regards quality - it's not the restored version - but it was only £3...
In the evening I was supposed to be going to Glasgow with Count Brodski for the Explosions in the Sky gig but Brodders called mid afternoon to advise the concert's postponement until later in the year...
So, instead, I wrote up my review for last week's Out of the Bedroom (whilst listening to Horace Silver), then watched two taped episodes of "CSI"...
Finally, I dug out the CBQ album "Concrete", which I thought about releasing back in February. It sounded better than I remembered and may still see the light of day at some point...
Highlight of the Day : Probably CSI
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