Various Artists - Cloudland Blue Eclectic Selection 2018 Vols 1-52
Alice Cooper - Love It To Death
The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico (Orig CD)
Udo Lindenberg - MTV Unplugged 2 Live vom Atlantik
Glasperlenspiel - Licht & Schatten [Deluxe Edition]
Up early and ready to roll...
Views from the office...

Up early and ready to roll...
Views from the office...
Anne eventually up too - and breakfast was prepared...
...followed by being enjoyed al fresco...
Out just after ten...
We saw many people using these across the city but we did not partake...
It was a short walk from our hotel... the nearby church of St Michalis...
Up some stairs...
...and into a lift to the top of the steeple...
...which afforded excellent views despite the overcast conditions...
Towards the Reeperbahn...
The river...
The town centre...
...including the town hall...
The fountain...
..the Elbphilharmonie...
Our apartment...
The stadium of St Pauli...
The Reeperbahn again...
The Bismark monument...
Etc, etc...
We liked this area better than where we stayed back in 2016...
One last climb...
...for a couple of special shots...
...before descending and having alook around the church itself...
It was harvest thanksgiving time...
Having exhausted all possible internal shots, down into the crypt...
...with parts of the church and its steeple which bear the scars of the various fires and bombings which have affected it across the centuries...
In the crypt, an enjoyable exhibition...
...and film...
Your correspondent had perhaps risen a little too early...
we found the grave of Cqrl Philipp Emmanuel Bach...
...accompanied by the Bach family tree...
Various artifacts were housed around the vaults...
...including interesting exhibits of church fires...
...and articles found in graves when they had to be moved...
Out and past Bismark...
Lunch at a sausage stall on the Reeperbahn...
...before entering the bar that serves as a waiting room for the Udo Lindenberg exhibition...
His original artworks grace the walls...
...along with historic tour posters...
The toilets were impressive...
No photos were allowed inside the interactive exhibition other than in the bar/painting room
Here, Anne creates a masterpiece - sadly, none of our work made it to our e-mail inboxes...
Not to worry...
The tour ended with a virtual reality performance by Udo and the band in fron of a stadium full of fans, with you centre stage and able to spin around to get a 360 degree view of the action...
Then, out for an Eilikor (or advocaat as we call it)...
I took the soft drink option...
Anne didn't like the Eilikor...
A short walk from Udo 's place to our fave cafe, Kraweel...
...for coffee and cake - whch probably outweighed my non-participation in the Eilikor drinking...
At the Reeperbahn market I tried to ameliorate matters by partaking of an apple...
...before we walked back down to the apartment for a rest...
Then, another walk, past this morning's church...
...and into the town centre...
...where, while Anne perused some shoe shops to no avail, I purchased a cheeky wee CD from Michelle... Canadian City and Colour (to which I am listening, as I finally get round to writing the text for this entry nearly 11 weeks after the events)...
I ended up in Saturn...
...which had the most CDs I've probably ever seen in one shop...
I purchased just one though...
...before we walked back again to the apartment...
This evening, we walked along to the nearby Blockbrau brewery for dinner...
It was so popular that we actually ended up on stage...
I had my first beer since the end of June...
...and regretted not, like Anne, opting for the schnitzel option, choosing cold fish instead...
Still tasty though...
A good day...
Hihglight of the Day : Udo's extravaganza...
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