Crazy Wisdom - The Reptile Tapes
Paul Linklater - Smooth Sailing and How
Simple Minds - Sons and Fascination/Sister Feelings Call
The Human League - Reproduction
The Human League - Travelogue
David Sylvian - Alchemy
Groundhogs - Split
Groundhogs - Who Will Save the World
Kevin Ayers - Whatevershebringswesing
Mendelssohn - Lieder ohne Worte
Chris Rea - The Return of the Fabulous Hofner Bluenotes
Went a bit crazy at Fopp at lunchtime today...
Nine albums purchased, including a three CD/double 10" vinyl/book set by Chris Rea - an old favourite of ours from the 1980's...
Also, decided once and for all to cancel my subscription to The Wire...
The music they rave about is, on the whole, esoteric rubbish...
Instead I will be dropping by and partaking of some of their more tuneful goodies...
Today, for example, I bought a 3CD set by one Paul Linklater - for $20 I got an immediate download with the physical version winging its way from Toronto to Crispycat Towers as I type...
And, for good measure, I also downloaded around ten albums' worth of free stuff...
No rehearsal this week with Peri Urban, as I'd arranged it for tomorrow, forgetting of course that it's the Exec Producer's and my 26th Wedding Anniversary...
Lights out with new music in the cans...
Highlight of the Day : Music decisions...
Cheers for the b'day card big man.
Chris Rea?? c'mon!
Check this out:
New site set up by Suthie.
Re Mr Rea....yeah I know...
Re your website....tasty!!
Nice pics wee man
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