Various - 1972 Singles (3xCD-R)
The Human League - Reproduction
David Sylvian - Alchemy
Kevin Ayers - Joy of a Toy
Hawkwind - Take Me to Your Leader
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Songs on Myspace
Various - Oh! Canada
Girls Aloud - Out of Control
Mike Taylor Quartet - Pendulum
Weather Report - Mysterious Traveller
A long lie - till 7:45...
Some work at the PC including trying (unsuccessfully) to spice up the design of the CBQ Myspace page...
Rather frustratingly, this only resulted in the complete disappearance of the music player - and a message saying I had no songs at all on Myspace - extremely annoying considering the time spent yesterday on uploading songs etc...
Then, when I tried to re-upload, it wouldn't allow me, it just gave me a maddening unexplanatory error message...
I fired off a message to Myspace for help - I never got a reply, but within the hour, the player suddenly reappeared with all songs intact...
And so, out to Loanhead, via Argos, where a new TV Stand was purchased for my mum...
Arrived at her home around 1pm and a wee cup of soup and half a roll sustained before the build...
It took less than half an hour to put together and, at 14:48, this was the scene...
The new telly to sit on it should arrive this week...
An enjoyable couple of hours was spent before we headed back home...
I took the opportunity to run through the live set - not the best performance ever - it'll be good to get back to playing as a duo on Wednesday at Peri Urban's place...
To Anne's mum's for tea - where I thrashed nephew Ollie (age 8) three times in a row at chess...
Unlike his cousin Craig, who at the same age, when I used to beat him all the time at games, would take a tantrum and howl and cry, Ollie took it in his stride and actually congratulated me on winning...
I suspect his wee sister would be less inclined to behave like that - she is a lovely, but cheeky, monkey...
Home in time for Anne to catch "Emma"...
Late night listening for me in the form of some tasty mid-sixties British jazz from Mike Taylor and his crew and a classic from the mighty Weather Report - inspired by the latest pics over on Sid Smith's blog...
Lights out on another enjoyable weekend...
Highlight of the day : An easy building exercise for once...
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