Various - Recent CDs Jukebox on Shuffleplay
King Crimson - London 1996
Off to the Edinburgh Bierfest tonight as a guest of a large Dutch Corporation...
A Bierfest is the only place where the type of music they play at a Bierfest is acceptable...
Almost unlimited amounts of my favourite, Weissbier, was on tap and a cold buffet featuring smoked cheese, various salamis and hams and tasty gherkins, was followed by a hot buffet with two types of wurst and chargrilled chicken...
As you might expect your correspondent was completely wasted by 7:30 (having started around 5:30pm) - on the upside though, everyone else in the room was wasted too...
Quite reserved to begin with, we all ended up standing on the benches and smashing our steins into each other's and singing along to "I Love to Go A Wandering" whilst wearing an array of silly hats, very large false moustaches, helmets with luminous horns (which were soon broken off to allow beer to be drunk from them) and blonde pig-tailed wigs...
I'd arranged to meet the Exec Producer at Haymarket Station after her own night out with her colleagues in Fife...
This was the sight that met her there at 10:50...
Oh dear...
I must have walked through the centre of Edinburgh with this hat on - at least I kept the blonde wig and false moustache in my pocket...
Apparently I insisted on continuing to wear the hat on the bus home...
A journey of which I have no recollection whatsoever...
Highlight of the Day : erm...
PS - More pics - from the phone of my good old bier drinking chum, Mr Kenny Boyd...
...oh dear indeed...
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